If you are injured while you are at work, then you are going to want to file an incident report right away with your boss to let them know about the accident. You are also going to want to file a claim with workers compensation. Here are some questions many employees ask about filing for workers comp.

What types of injuries can you file workers comp for?

If you are injured due to an accident while on the job, such as by slipping and falling, having something fall on you, having your hand caught in a piece of machinery, or in any other way while working, then you are eligible for workers comp. However, not all injuries occur due to an accident. Many types of injuries can be caused by other things.

For example, you may end up with carpal tunnel from doing a lot of typing at work, you may end up with hearing issues from being around loud equipment, or you can even end up with cancer due to being around carcinogens at work. Any injury or illness that you end up with due to your working environment can be covered under workers comp.

What types of benefits can you get with workers comp?

Many things regarding workers compensation laws vary depending on the state you are in. A lawyer licensed in the state in which your workers compensation claim is out of will be a great source of information on all aspects of your workers compensation claim and this includes educating you on the benefits you are entitled to.  

Some benefits that are generally covered include your medical care, disability benefits to cover your lost wages, vocational rehab, and even education to change careers if you aren't going to be able to get back to your normal one due to the extent of injuries you suffered.

Can an independent contractor get workers comp?

An independent contractor is not going to be covered by workers compensation. However, you want to understand that some places will wrongly classify their employees as independent contractors. A lawyer will be able to go through your employment information to determine if this has happened to you and help you to correct the issue, as well as help you to file your claim. So, don't be mislead to believe that you are not eligible for workers comp if you first thought that you were eligible. To determine your eligibility, contact workers compensation law services.
